Dave Greenwood
Co -founder and writer with Rob, Dave was originally a drummer and now bangs the keys. He's the lead singer and a self taught musician though he's actually been performing for most of his life.
Steve Wilson
Steve is a hghly accomplished and very versitile musiciian. He sings, writes and plays in his own band and with other high profile local musicians/bands. We're just lucky he likes coming out with us as well.!
Rob Bowerman
Co-founder & Co-writer in the frogs. Rob is an Old school R n B feel player, with an authentic sound that comes from Valves & Fender Strats. He's been playing in bands since the mid 80's Unique player - unique tone.
Chris Page
Playing pro since he left school - Chris is a big hitting, groove drummer. He's in high demand throughout the SW and plays in numerous bands. He's been playing with the frogs since 2004